my music - about me
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About me and my music

Who am I?

I was born in 1967 in Copenhagen, have a degree in electrical engineering, work as a programmer in University of Copenhagen, and live in Tårnby just outside Copenhagen together with my little family.

I have elementary education in piano playing, choir directing, singing, harmony etc, but most of my knowledge comes from self studies in music theory. Above all I have been studying the music that turns me on. In that sense I have had "teachers" like Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Pärt, Messiaen, and Josquin.

Which kinds of music do I love?

  • Music from the deep of one heart to another.
  • Music full of smells, colours and enthusiasm.
  • Music finding the golden mean between overloaded maximalism and bland lack of expression.
  • Music with a dialectics between nature and art, perceptibility and challenge, brain and heart.

Where to find more?