My Music - Psalm 56
Danish   Introduction | Index | About me | Motets
Composed: 1995
First performance:

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Salme 56  

Gud, vær mig nådig!

Når jeg gribes af frygt, stoler jeg på dig;
ved Guds hjælp lovpriser jeg hans ord.
Jeg stoler på Gud og frygter ikke;
hvad kan dødelige gøre mig?

Du fører bog over min elendighed,
mine tårer er samlet i din lædersæk,
de står i din bog.
Men den dag jeg råber,
skal fjenden vige.

Det ved jeg: Gud er med mig.

Ved Guds hjælp lovpriser jeg hans ord;
når Herren hjælper, lovpriser jeg hans ord.
Jeg stoler på Gud og frygter ikke.
Hvad kan mennesker gøre mig?

Jeg vil jeg indfri alle mine løfter til dig,
Du har frelst mit liv fra døden
og reddet min fod fra fald,
så jeg kan vandre for Guds ansigt
i livets lys.

Sl 56/JE

Psalm 56

O God, have mercy on me!

In the time of my fear, I will have faith in you.
In God will I give praise to his word;
in God have I put my hope; I will have no fear
of what flesh may do to me.

You have seen my wanderings;
put the drops from my eyes into your bottle;
are they not in your record?
When I send up my cry to you,
my haters will be turned back;

I am certain of this, for God is with me.

In God will I give praise to his word;
in the Lord will I give praise to his word.
In God have I put my hope, I will have no fear
of what man may do to me.

I keep the memory of my debt to you,
Because you have taken my soul from the power of death;
and kept my feet from falling,
so that I may be walking before God
in the light of life.

KJV Psalms 56