My Music - The large tower
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Composed: 1996
First performance: 1996

If you wish to perform, publish, or just study this work, please send me a note.


Det store tårn  - Midi

1. Det tårner sig op
og det skraber imod sky’n,
et bjerg midt i dalen,
et overvæld’ne syn
Det store tårn
i Babylon,
en pryd for hele by’n.

2. Og byen har ansat
den bedste arkitekt,
Guds Port skal han bygge,
århundredets projekt.
»Vi kommer ud
til himlens Gud
hvis vi gør alt perfekt!«

3. Men Gud kigged’ ned
fra sit høje himmerig;
ku’ knap nok få øje
på deres småtteri:
»Hvad er dog det,
de pusler med?
Kun spild af energi!

4. De synker des mere,
jo høj’re de når op,
så verden går under,
hvis ikke jeg si’r stop.
Nu skal de få
en masse sprog
så tårnet bli’r et flop.«

5. Oh shocking! Ugh ugh!
Mama mia! Oh la là!
og Njet! Aber doch!
og Det här var inte bra!
og Ching chang chung!
og Bunga bung!
og Hwa’ var det do sa’?

6. Så måtte de opgi’
det flotte luftkastel.
Men stadig tror no’n,
de kan nå til himlen selv.
Et farligt slid,
men spild af tid;
det ender uden held.

7. Vi når aldrig himlen –
men himlen nåede os;
Guds børn blev forenet,
de mange sprog til trods.
For Gud har gjort
en himmelport:
Det er hans eget kors.

JE (1 Mos 11)

The large tower

It towers up
and scrapes against the sky,
a mountain in the valley:
an impressing view.
The large tower
in Babylon
a pride to the whole city.

And the city has employed
the best architect,
He's building "God's gate",
the project of the century.
"We'll reach out
to the God of the Heaven,
if we do everything perfectly!"

But God looked down
from his high Kingdom;
could barely see
their tiny thing:
"What is that
they potter about?
Just energy waste!

They sink the more,
the higher they reach,
so the world will end
if I don't say stop.
Now they will get
a lot of languages,
so that the tower becomes a flop."

5. Oh shocking! Ugh ugh!
Mama mia! Oh la là!
and Njet! Aber doch!
and Det här var inte bra! (swedish)
and Ching chang chung!
and Bunga bung!
and Hwa’ var det do sa’? (jutlandish)

Then they had to drop
the fine air castle.
But still somebody believe
they can reach the Heaven by themselves.
A lot of toil,
but waste of time;
it will end without succes.

We will never reach Heaven,
but Heaven reached us;
God's children were united
despite the many languages.
For God has made
a Heaven's gate:
It is his own cross.


Note: The Midi/Synth sound files are only provided to give a preview of the music; all of my music is intended to be performed by living musicians.
Note: My own translations are of a poor quality. If you find errors, please inform me. If you make metric translations, even to other languages, please let me know, and it might appear on this page with your credit.
If you find that some of my music has too much similarity with other music, please contact me. I don't intend to plagiarize.