My Music - From the deepest hole
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Composed: 1995
First performance: 1995

If you wish to perform, publish, or just study this work, please send me a note.


Fra det dybeste hul  - Midi

Fra det dybeste hul,
der hvor alt er sort som kul,
har han løftet dig op
på sin stærke skulders top.
Dine synder var sorte
som en gammel snavset skjorte.
Men han har gjort dig ren,
mere strålende end sneen,
og din synd, hver og én,
er borte!

For den mægtige Gud,
han, som styrer stjerneskud,
som er stærk nok til alt,
han har elsket dig totalt.
Han steg ned fra sin trone
for at fødes af en kone.
Mellem halmballer lå
han med babyhue på,
for at du skulle få
hans krone!

Går det op eller ned,
er du bange eller vred:
Lad der ske, hvad der vil,
for du hører Jesus til.
I den dybeste fare,
som er mer end du kan klare,
det kan ikke gå galt,
for din Far har tjek på alt.
Længe før du har kaldt,
han svarer!


From the deepest hole

From the deepest hole
where everything is black as coal
has he lifted you up
to the top of his shoulder.
Your sins were black
as an old, dirty shirt.
But he has made you clean,
more splendid than the snow,
and your sin, each one,
is gone!

For the mighty God
who manages shooting stars
who is strong enough to everything,
he has loved you totally.
He descended his throne
to be born by a woman.
Between bales of straw he lay
with a baby cap on him,
so that you could get
his crown.

Whether it goes up or down,
whether you are scared or angry:
Let be, what will be,
because you belong to Jesus.
In the most profound danger,
which is more than you can manage:
Nothing can go wrong
since your Dad can handle everything.
Long time before you call,
he answers.


Note: The Midi/Synth sound files are only provided to give a preview of the music; all of my music is intended to be performed by living musicians.
Note: My own translations are of a poor quality. If you find errors, please inform me. If you make metric translations, even to other languages, please let me know, and it might appear on this page with your credit.
If you find that some of my music has too much similarity with other music, please contact me. I don't intend to plagiarize.